Students of blooming Buds School Moga performed yoga asanas in their homes dedicated to International Yoga Day

By making the chart, the students inspired others to do Yoga Asana: Principal

In Blooming Buds School, a renowned educational institution of Moga city, under the able leadership of Group Chairman Mr. Sanjeev Kumar Saini and School Chairperson Mrs. Kamal Saini, the students of the school performed yoga asanas dedicated to the International Yoga Day in their homes such as Suryanamaskar, Vrikshasa, Tadaasana, Padmasana, Vajrasana etc. Giving information on this occasion, school principal Dr. Hamiliya Rani said that in the school we encourage our students to lead a healthy and fit life by adopting yoga in their daily routine. She said that this year the 10th International Yoga Day is being celebrated all over the world. As the students had summer vacation, they did yoga asanas in their homes and made charts etc. motivating others to do yoga asanas. She said that International Yoga Day is celebrated on June 21 every year since 2015. Our Honorable Prime Minister Narendra Modi suggested the date of June 21 in his address to the United Nations in 2014, as it is the longest day of the year in the Northern Semi sphere and shares a special significance in many parts of the world. The day honour the timeless wisdom of yoga that originated in ancient India. It highlights the holistic approach to physical and mental well-being that yoga promotes unity, harmony and peace across the world. This year, the theme of International Yoga Day 2024 is ‘Yoga for Self and Society’, which emphasizes the dual benefits of enhancing individual well-being and improving society. The theme recognizes that inner peace and self-care are the cornerstones of a happy and healthy existence. At Blooming Buds School, we believe in nurturing holistic wellness from an early age. By incorporating yoga postures into our daily morning assembly, we empower our students to lead a healthy and fit lifestyle. She further explained how yoga is important in our lives. The main objective of celebrating this day is to connect the students with yoga practice, so that they can develop physically and mentally. The school has been providing good coaches to the students from time to time due to which the students of the school have done well in national and international level yoga competitions for many years. Yoga is believed to have originated in India during the Vedic period. Yoga has been part of the lifestyle of Indians for thousands of years. This is the heritage of India. Yoga is the ideal blend of knowledge, karma and devotion.