Blooming Buds School paid tribute to Shaheed Kartar Singh Sarabha on his Martyrdom Day

The life of Shaheed Kartar Singh Sarabha is a source of inspiration for all: Kamal Saini

Blooming Buds School Moga, a renowned educational institution of Moga city, paid tribute to Martyr Kartar Singh Sarabha on the occasion of his Martyrdom Day under the able leadership of Chairman Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Saini and Chairperson Mrs. Kamal Saini. During the morning assembly, the students presented articles and charts related to the life of Shaheed Kartar Singh Sarabha. While sharing information, the students said that Shaheed Kartar Singh Sarabha was born on 24th May 1896 at village Sarabha in Ludhiana district to Sardar Mangal Singh and Bibi Sahib Kaur’s house. Kartar Singh Sarabha received his primary education from the village school. After that he passed eighth from Khalsa School in Ludhiana and after that he went to his uncle Veer Singh who was a doctor in Odisha and studied from Ravenshah University there till tenth. After that his grandfather sent him to University of California, USA for higher education. School Principal Dr. Hamiliya Rani told the children that Shaheed Kartar Singh Sarabha was full of patriotism from the beginning. Seeing the discrimination against the Indians in the country, his soul was shaken and he started dreaming day and night to make India free. He started uniting Indians living in America and Canada. Kartar Singh Sarabha sacrificed his life at the innocent age of 19 years to make mother India free. Due to the sacrifices of millions of such patriots, India became independent on 15 August 1947. Chairperson Mrs. Kamal Saini while giving a message to the children said that even though the life of Shaheed Kartar Singh Sarabha was short, he is a source of inspiration for all. As an Indian citizen, it is our duty to remember the martyrs of the country. All staff and students were present on this occasion.